◆ "Market order without specifying price?" "What is unpaid in open interest?" Learn stock terms and start investing in stocks!
【こんな方へおすすめです】・鉛筆や消しゴムを使ってのアナログな勉強方法よりスマホアプリで株勉強がしたい・少しでも今の現状を変えたいので株を学んで自分の人生に役立てたい※本アプリで紹介している各証券会社とは無関係です。各証券会社の手数料や諸条件はそれぞれの証券会社のHPにて今一度ご確認をお願い致します。[Recommended for these people]・I would like to study stocks with a smartphone app rather than an analog study method using a pencil or eraser.・I want to learn the stocks and use them in my life because I want to change the current situation as much as possible* It is unrelated to each securities company introduced in this application.Please check the fees and conditions of each securities company again on the website of each securities company.